Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Cool Tools - Inkling by Wacom

This could be one of the best things ever. I've never been a fan of Wacom tablets. The surface never felt quite right, I could never draw a straight line like I could on paper and I could never rotate the canvas like I wanted.

There's so many thing that seem "right" about this device. I can't wait to try one.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Inspiration - Kevin Smith at NAB 2011

Seeing Kevin Smith talk in person this past April is something I would argue as life-changing. And I don't say that about a lot of stuff.

At certain points during the talk I think "jeez o petes, it's like I've known this guy forever". All star-strucked-ness aside.

Ultimately, it's all about doing what you love and doing it for you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Business Bird!

I will also be taking the time to restart business bird. As cool as the whole fighting arc things were they were really not what I set out to do in the first place. It will return to it's roots and be outrageous goofiness that is almost too goofy and is so goofy that it's goofier than how goofy it was before gonna be so damn goofy. Probably be drawn more cartoon like too as opposed to comic book like but I haven't decided yet.

Hey Frands!

Sorry I haven't been much lately but soon very soon I will have a lot of time on my hands for anything we can come up with. I will be quitting my job as I can no longer take it. I have a few months in savings I plan to live off of then I will be taking some STNA classes so I can easily, well hopefully, find work.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Article - "Story Boarding for the Coen Brothers"

It's an older article but thinking about storyboarding some short videos made me think of it. It's bout an Ohio artist that worked on the story boards for "No Country for Old Men".

The purpose of posting this article is really two fold. Firstly, to demonstrate the role of traditional drawing in film; notice closely the actual shots adhere to the drawings. And secondly, how we could use storybords when making our videos and films. I have mixed feelings about this because on the one hand we tend to thrive on improvisation and spontaneity but on the other hand I sometimes feel under prepared when looking for shots, which ultimately yields missed opportunities and possible gaps.

Click the image to go to the article.

Short Story Example - "My Best Friend's Sweating"

These guys get into some pretty fun stuff. What I really like about their videos are the production quality that goes into the simplest silly idea. Outside the short film, full length arena, I think this is something that we could get into when there's nothing else to do. Check out some of their other videos too.

My Best Friend's Wedding/My Best Friend's Sweating from DANIELS on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Next Steps - "Egg Timer" & Other Projects

Like we talked about last weekend, we could either continue post production on "Egg Timer" or begin to talk about other ideas. I know one alternate idea we talked about was the mini documentary on ourselves.

Here is an example of an approach we could take; mostly from a shot and story telling perspective. There's a whole series of these and they're pretty good if you dig documentaries.

Uppercut from California is a place. on Vimeo.